Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Close-up & Personal

Cheetah Female, Namibia
This female cheetah is one of three youngsters that were rescued when their mother was shot by a farmer in Namibia for killing some of his livestock. She and her siblings are now safe at a sanctuary that rescues cheetahs. In Namibia cheetahs are still considered a pest especially by some farmers and the country also has the highest number of cheetahs in the wild.

Bull Elephant, Tembe Elephant Park
Tembe Elephant Park is situated in northern Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa on the southern border of Mozambique. Considered by many as one of the wildest parks in South Africa, one could drive the whole day and not see any humans.

Coming across this particular elephant with some clients I was guiding, turned out to be a bit more than just a photo opportunity. Not long after I took this photo, the elephant walked right up to the vehicle resulting in a very nervous 10 minutes with a very close and curious elephant. With everyone dead silent, he eventually lumbered off. He measured about 3.5m at the shoulders.

Rock Hyrax, Augrabies Falls
Augrabies Falls is situated in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa, just south of the southern Namibian border. After rains in the mountains, these falls become a spectacular display of the forces of nature through water in the desert.

This pic is the result of a long stalk and wait process and eventually crawling on my stomach to get close. The hyrax can be everywhere in this rocky area but they specialise in sunning themselves on very inaccessible (to humans) rocks.

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