Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Rusumo Falls, Lake Bulera

A lovely drive from Musanze along the shores of Lake Bulera brings one to Rusomo Falls. The following photos are from that drive along the shores and a merged photo of the upper part of the Falls. The lower part can only be seen from the lake or a by a different access route.

Little boy at the village of Mubuga with a traditional bicycle.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Sights around Musanze, Rwanda

The following shows some sights in and round the town of Musanze, previously known as Ruhengeri, in the north-west of Rwanda

The town on a reasonably quiet day

Pre-sunset over the Virungas with Mikeno covered by cloud and Bisoke to the right. A view from town.

The outflow from the hot water springs at the southern end of town. Adjacent to this is also a small local market where locally made cheap furniture, woven mats and livestock is sold - hardly visited by any any tourists.

Musanze cave; presently being prepared for official tourism toward the end of 2007. Mapping is in progress. Located about 2km from the centre of town on the way to Gisenyi.

Buhanga Forest on the outskirts of town with pathways laid in hand-shaped volcanic rock. A good site for birding walks and planning is underway for cultural tourism on the site as well i.e. dancing and sharing of folklore
Lake Ruhondo east of the town. This particular view is from the southern end of the lake. Development of tourism opportunities on and around the lake is also now in progress.

Moths in Musanze, Rwanda

Some pics here of moths photographed at dusk in Musanze, Rwanda. In the cases where I've furnished names, the names have been obtained from lepidopterists abroad based on the photos. These names should not be accepted as the final decision on species or family though and I welcome comments/advice regarding species and/or family names.

Amerila baueri (Arctiidae)

Maruca vitrata(Crambidae,Spilomelinae a.k.a Mung Bean Moth

Possibly Filodes sp. (Crambidae,Spilomelinae

Possibly Palpita sp.

Callopistria, possibly C. juventina a.k.a "The Latin" (Crambidae, Spilomelinae OR in Noctuidae

Flowers from Ikoro site, Rwanda

The following pics were taken of flowers and plants on the site where Ikoro Tented Camp is being developed. At this stage we still have no ID for many of them which I will add as I get the information.

A tiny flower hardly ever exceeding 1cm across growing close to the ground.

A lovely plant that grows quite high, in some cases reaching 4ft (insert on the site. The main pic is a close-up of one of the individual flowers.

This photo taken during May 2006. These flowers are only 3-5mm across (excl. the leaves). Growing almost in a shrub-like form and found mostly in the areas that haven't been disturbed for quite a length of time.